Self Care Tools

Self Care Skills What are they? Self care is a word that is thrown around quite a bit nowadays, but it’s not as easy as it sounds, and it does take skill on learning when to use them. Self-care are things that we can do that connects us to ourselves. They are actions that help us to fill our emotional fuel tank from empty to full. And the type of activities that help fill us up are actions based on values as well as actions to fill human basic needs . We must not forget to pay homage to ourselves. How do they work? Finding the activities that are truly caring for ourselves can be difficult, and it’s not just about taking a break. It’s important to know what self care is for us personally. Self care skills or activities are usually needed when we are burned out. Emotional challenges and stress can arise when we are putting all our energy into one area of our lives and we start to neglect other important areas. This neglect of important needs and values can make use feel unbalanced...