Grounding Techniques

Grounding Techniques What are they? Grounding Techniques are a very important set of skills which are helpful in being able to put yourself back in the present moment. There are times when our thoughts will be racing and our emotions will become too overwhelming or intense. These skills are quick ways to help slow your mind down and to decrease the intensity of your emotions. They are helpful in us being able to get out of our heads and come to an emotional place where we can think more clearly. How do they work? One important thing about understanding why grounding techniques work is understanding why our brain acts the way it does. Our brain as an organ is biologically wired to take in information about what can keep us alive as well as what can threaten or kill us. It then categorizes this information and when a dangerous situation arises our brain sets an alarm and puts us into a fight, flight, or freeze response. This is to kick us into action quickly...